Sunday, May 17, 2015


One month and two days ago, I started the "Faith Dare"... I felt lead to go a step further, and blog my experience, so in obedience, I began. And then, "LIFE" happened! April 20th, I fell and broke my hip. The healing process has been long and painful. Doing the Faith Dare has been difficult, I'm either in too much pain for my brain to function properly, or I'm too gorked-out from the medication... I'm so far behind (in the study that I'm leading), that I decided to "jump ahead" to where we "should be" for the date. My thought process went as follows: To be caught-up, I would follow the calendar that we made up and do the dare assigned to that date. On days that are not on the calendar, I will go back and complete Dares that I haven't done yet. That way, I will be able to talk about the current Dares when we have small group, while doing the back ones that I've missed.

So... this morning I did Dare#11* While doing the study for Dare #11 (blog for Dare #11 to follow), I came to the realization that I Have NOT been "graciously resting". I have continued to try to spin plates and control everything around me from my recliner. L I am seeing that my control issues are bigger than I originally thought... Deep down, it's a "faith" issue! Today, I choose to live in surrender to self!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Faith Dare - Day #3

Today's dare... Live like you are loved.
Well, that's easy! Of course I am loved. Why wouldn't I live like I am?
But do I? Do I really live like God loves me?
Unfortunately, the answer is "no, not so much"    
If I TRULY believe with all my being that God love ME, I would be more trusting and more dependent upon Him, rather than on my own understanding.
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on ME that I should be called a child of God! And that is what I am!" I John 3:1
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the love you want to lavish upon me.
Help me to live boldly as a child loved by you.
I want to live my life fully trusting


I went on in the reading... she says; "Think about what it means to be a child - dependent, trusting, longing for acceptance. Remember that without faith it is impossible to please your Heavenly Father. Ask God to help you in any area of unbelief regarding your true identify as his.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Resting in the Journey

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls

Matthew 11:28-29


Rest... rest is supposed to be, well... restful, peaceful... But when "rest" is forced upon you, like when you break your femur and are forced to rest, it can be really frustrating and unrestful. I've been feeling sorry for myself the past few weeks. I'm in major pain, the pain medicine makes me loopy, and I'm bored & lonely. It's been difficult for me to concentrate enough to do the Faith Dare or blog.

I began wallowing in my very own pity party. I started to question... why me? why now? I had things that needed to be done. But I am learning to rest... I am learning to let others help me.

I saw the Doctor yesterday, and got the good news that my leg is healing. I was given 2 more weeks of "limited activity", 2 more weeks of rest. My goal for these next 2 weeks is to graciously rest.